Section 2 轻微补充 (Time Diagram)
第二课是一个蛮短的section, 没有很多重点。
此文章只是补充,请读了section 2 才阅读此文章。
1. Method of Equated time ⏰
2. Time Diagram 📏
请没有financial math底的同学特别注意这part !
学会time diagram对过后的section很多帮助,尤其是annuity的chapter。因为画出来才可以清楚知道那个cash flow的变化,除非你的想象力非常好!
注意: Time 0 就是 today/beginning of year 1, Time 1 就是 end of year 1/ beginning of year 2. (第一年尾=第二年头)不知道的同学要注意哦,不然有时候会被题目tricky到。
注意 例子题目(四),不要被反tricky到。
If 100 is invested at beginning of Year 4, what is the accumulated value at end of year 9 at interest 5% per annum?
注意:Beginning of Year 4 = Time 3
If 50 is invested for each of 3 years, with first payment at beginning of year 3, what is the accumulated at time 7 ? (=end of year 7)
注意:Beginning of Year 3 = Time 2
50 invest at today, 20 invest at beginning of year 2, 30 invest at time 3, 40 invest at the end of year 4, 60 invest at time 5, what is the accumulated value in beginning of year 8 ?
注意:Beginning of Year 2 = Time 1, Beginning of Year 8 = Time 7
100 is invested at the beginning of each year for 5 year. What is the accumulated value at end of year 3.
注意:在end of year 3 的时候,不可以算beginning of year 4 的payment ! Like 31/12/2013 还没收到 1/1/2014的钱!
3. 选题讨论 🖊
多数题目都不难,只是有时候这个section,尤其是section 3 和 4,会掺杂一些 section 6 Loan 的题目,其实是可以做,只是如果还没学到Loan, 会对那个概念陌生,所以不是你笨,是书assume你聪明。
Question 6 (PG104)
Loan一定会有原本的贷款额(Principal),把Principal找出来再去算新loan的payment (X).