Section 1 轻微补充
备注:此blog的编撰是依据 ASM SOA Exam FM 13rd edition 为标准。
第一课要不要学用 BA II Plus 都可以,因为 BA II Plus 最主要是 annuity (Section 3&后) 才会用。
*感谢欢仪帮忙撰写Power Series的part !🎉🎉🎉
Formula List
我自己做的 formula list, 如果有错的地方还望通知。
1. Simple Interest🎄
a. Simple Interest 是 base on Principal 的
For simple interest 5%, current value at t=5 is 10000, what is the accumulated at time 10.
正确:P(1+0.05(5))=10000, P=8000, then AV=8000(1+0.05(10))
b. Simple Interest 的 interest 也是base on principal 的
Interest = Pit
1. If 2000 is invested at time 0, what is the interest gain in last 6 months of 8 year at simple interest 6%?
Ans: 2000(0.06)(0.5)
2. 2000 invested at time 0, the account earn simple interest 5% for first 5 year, 4% for next 5 year. What is the interest earned in 7th year.
Ans: 2000(0.04)(1)
c. For case not invest at time 0
看我的formula list 第三页,如果题目写清楚了是simple interest (#case 1) ,就不可以根据 a(7)/a(2) 的方法计算。反之,如果题目没写他是simple interest (#case 2), 则必须使用 a(7)/a(2) 的方法。
d. Effective rate decreasing as time increasing
Simple interest 和 compound interest 的差别是,simple是很简单的linear function, 反而compound interest是指数(indices)性增长。Simple interest虽然会在前面几年占优势,但长期来讲肯定是compound interest占优势,因为compound interest是power一直上的。
通过effective rate of interest的formula来计算,compound interest的effective rate是constant的,反而simple interest的实际每年的interest rate会下降。
Now i construct graph to illustrate, y=1+0.05x (Simple) and y=1.05^x (Compound)
从discount的formula来看,discount和interest是相反的,因为interest是base on present value 去算的,反而discount是用future value来看的。
现实操作例子:大耳窿,有些借贷方法是借多少拿多少,like这个情况就是借 4000 拿 1300,然后一年后给回4000,所以这个是discount的例子,至于discount rate要怎样算呢?
* 如果题目没写simple or compound interest, default 就是 compound !!!
a) Interest
问题(一),If 5000 is invested into an account earning compound interest 7%, what is interest earned in 8th year? (第八年赚多少利息?)
问题(二), What is the effective rate of interest in 8th year?
Question 1 Answer: 两种方法都要懂!!!
Question 2: Compound interest 的 effective rate是constant的,因为每年固定加7%
情况(二),If 5000 is invested into an account earning compound interest 7%, what is interest earned from end of year 5 to end of year 8?
4. Nominal Rate 🎭
书上对Nominal rate的意思写得没那么清楚,所以我construct个例子
题:6% nominal rate compounded / convertible semiannually
意思:一年给两次利息,每次 (6%/2)= 3%
假设invest RM1000 at time 0, what is AV at time 1?
(情况二)6% interest compounded every two year, 1000 invest today, what is accumulated value at the end of year 1 ?
意思:一年6%,但两年才compound 一次=等于一年半次 ,每次(6%/0.5)=12%
没有很难,看书可以明白,只是不用去纠结那个原理。建议看下我formula list (第二页)的那个special case, if nominal rate compounded m-thly 的时候,要怎样找它的force of interest, 但是不难。
a. Power Series (很少可能出)
Joon Wah : Calculus 底不是很好, Pre u (Matric acc) 没学过Series,对于 Macaulay Series and Binomial Expansion 一窍不通,sem 1考试完了就忘记,所以死死背formula就好了。
Huan Yee: Pre U 的时候 Math T 学的唯妙唯肖,不需要死背formula, 懂得使用 Macaulay Series 和 Binomial Expansion 就可以找出 series 出来了。
(此部分由欢仪编撰, joon wah写)
6. Equivalent Rate ⚖
a) 要不要学用 BA-II Plus 在这个part 都不用紧,我是没用啦,因为忘记了,用普通公式来找就可以了。要找equivalent rate 只需要把原本情况=新情况就可以了!
(可以看formula list)
b) 特别注意:
Nominal Rate 不可以用这个formula, 要的话要转换去一个period 的 rate 才可以进行转换。
1a(vi) to 1a(ix) Question 12 (PG 42)